
Do you want to run a workshop in your company about equality? We offer suggestions about doing just that using the video as a starting point. Here you'll also find background information as well as useful links.


The E-Learning Box can be used in your classroom or in your company. Participants discuss ways of implementing equality policies in their working environments and, indeed, in their own lives. These debates can generate creative solutions to the problems of gender-specific inequality.

Workshops in your classrooms

You can find here ideas for designing a workshop on the following subjects

Workshops in your company

You can find here ideas for designing a workshop on the following subjects

We offer

Workshops that we develop and animate together with you. The particular themes you choose are explored with the aid of the E-Learning Box. Duration: 90 or 120 min.

Cost on request. Contact us.

Free download of the E-Learning Box.


Previous Workshops


Mentoring Programm der Universität Liechtenstein

Workshop «Richtung Geschlechtergleichstellung und Vereinbarkeit von Karriere/Berufs und Familie/Privatleben» zum Thema Lohngleichheit, Karriere und Vereinbarkeit von Beruf & Privatleben (Prof. Dr. Lucia M. Lanfranconi)


Mentoring program of the university of Liechtenstein

Workshop “Towards gender equity and reconciliation of career and private live” on the subject of equal salary, career, reconciliation of career and private live (Prof. Dr. Lucia M. Lanfranconi)


Luzern, Hochschule Luzern - Soziale Arbeit

Workshop zum Thema Elternschaft
Moderation: Lucie Bader und Marianne Müller


Luzern, Hochschule Luzern - Soziale Arbeit

Workshop zum Thema Karriere
Moderation: Lucie Bader und Marianne Müller


Luzern, Hochschule Luzern - Soziale Arbeit

Workshop zum Thema Teilzeitarbeit
Moderation: Lucie Bader und Marianne Müller


Executives and HR experts from companies in Lucerne

Workshop: Lohngleichheit (für Unternehmen)
Moderiert von: Lucia Lanfranconi und Sarah Rabhi-Sidler

Lohnmobil Rahmenprogramm Luzern

Zum Lohnmobil

A project by Dr. Lucia M. Lanfranconi, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation